Today, an overwhelming amount of software tools are available for developers. There’s data stores and Javascript frameworks and compilers and IDE’s and CI servers and browser extensions and virtualization suites and deployment tools and ETL toolkits and ORM’s and configuration managers and minifiers and CSS frameworks. And that’s only scratching the surface. And the list is growing fast.

As a management consultant, the most costly error I’ve observed in 2015 is choosing the wrong tool for the job. It’s an epidemic.

Choosing the right tool for the job is now a full-time job

But can you blame developers and leadership? Choosing the right tool for the job is now a full-time job. Lacking a knowledgable authority, people stick with what they know. That leads to reinventing the wheel and years worth of lost manhours.

For these reasons every software team needs a new member, ToolsOps, whose purpose is to have a shallow and broad knowledge of available tools and to recommend the right tools for developers to use.

Choosing the right tool for the job is now it’s own job