Posts tagged Wordpress
Location of Wordpress' php.ini file in Ubuntu
How to programatically control Wordpress with Ruby using XML-RPC
This week, I wanted to programatically create posts on my Wordpress site, Maxims. Unfortunately, all of the example code I found online for controlling Wordpress was using PHP, and I hate PHP. I wanted to control Wordpress with Ruby using XML-RPC.
How to change a line into a shape in Illustrator
In Illustrator, there are line objects and shape objects. Lines are made of points, and shapes are made of boundaries. Since line objects are not easily resized or manipulated, you will want to convert your line into a shape.
How to download Wordpress in Linux
Every time you set up a new Wordpress site in Linux, you will need to download a fresh copy of Wordpress. Here’s the fastest way:
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz